Blair said

Mr Blair said he had been encouraged by recent Irish statements about the issue .
" Tell me about yourself , Emily , " Mrs. Blair said suddenly .
However , Mr Blair said " new and interesting lines of communication " had been opened with Iran during the crisis .
Blair said North Korea is using its upcoming space launch as a cover for its intercontinental ballistic missile program .
Writing about it decades later , Tony Blair said that this first incident had been brought on by Smith 's excessive drinking .
And fit folks were less likely to have risk factors for cardiovascular disease , such as high blood pressure , high cholesterol and diabetes , Blair said .
Mr Blair said that the biggest costs were incurred by the US , which would spend $ 61bn on its nuclear programme in 2011 .
Former prime minister Tony Blair said on Sunday the focus on immigration was because they " have lost comprehensively the debate on the economy . "
" I wouldn 't say I didn 't have concerns about it but I would say it wouldn 't be wise to interfere with it ," Blair said .
Blair said Jackson was issued a90-day deferral on his jury service while he completed paperwork notifying the court of his move .
Blair said a " whole " middle East strategy that embraced the region 's problems was needed to stem violence in Iraq and suggested a " new partnership " was possible with Syria and iran .
Speaking in Berlin yesterday , Mr Blair said the summit should set goals for reducing carbon emissions , pledge to establish a global carbon market , and commit to the UN-led Kyoto protocol .
A spokesman for Blair said the prime minister would tell Cabinet colleagues about his intentions but would make no public statement in Downing Street before making his plans public in a speech later in the day .
I 'm truly sorry about the dangers they face today in Iraq and Afghanistan , Mr Blair said , before adding defiantly : I know some may think they face these dangers in vain .
Blair said in his speech to open the conference that he had been inspired to speak of his linguistic shortcomings by the presence here of another former French Prime minister , Laurent fabius .
British Prime Minister Tony Blair said he was " touched " after a seven-year-old girl in Scotland sent him a letter urging him not to be " bullied " into resigning from office .
When asked that the world is generally against america 's military attack on Iraq and what the position Britain will take , Blair said that Britain will keep a traditional relationship with the US just as that on the issue of Kosovo and afghanistan .
Alice corroborated what Blair had said .
Blair has said he will step down as prime minister before september .
The head of london 's metropolitan police , Ian blair , said the threat of terrorism has not diminished .
Mr Murdochs discovery of his wifes crush on Mr Blair was said to be the final straw that prompted him to file for divorce after 14 years of marriage .
Bowing to pressure from within his own Labour partly because of the unpopularity of the Iraq war , Blair has said he will leave office within a year but he is widely expected to go around May .
Blair : You said you 'd never speak to her again .
Blair : Like you said , my unfortunate participation in said party was entirely out of character .
Prime Minister Tony blair 's official spokesman said on Monday it was premature to jump to conclusions .
One of British Prime Minister Tony blair 's labour backbenchershas said the death of an official weapons expert has become the pm 's watergate .